The Eastern Swing of the AMSOIL Championship Snocross Series was in full swing and the next stop on the series was the HK Powersports New England Nationals held at Rockingham Park in Salem, NH.
With Team LaVallee staying out in New York to train all week, it eliminated more travel and allowed more practice time for LaVallee and Kafka. “Its a lot of fun being on the road with the team, it allow us to solely focus on racing and making sure our sleds are running top notch for the next race.” stated LaVallee “I am looking forward to this next stop on the series, with Hibbert done for the season, everyone will be hungry and eager to get to the top spot.”
Race Results: Pro Stock. Team LaVallee’s Pro Rider, Levi LaVallee, had a tough day of racing on Friday. With his right heel/foot being bother-some from a motocross injury last spring, he was not riding to his full potential. In LaVallee’s qualifying rounds, he got 5th and 6th place finishes, causing him to be in the LCQ. LaVallee’s chances of going into the final were stopped, after a crash off of the start of the LCQ, caused him to be mid-pack and finishing 3 places shy for the final.
Pro Open. On day two for the Salem, NH Race – LaVallee was determined for a more successful day of racing. In his qualifying rounds, he took a 3rd in round one and 9th in round two, after an early-on crash. Levi headed into the LCQ and rode strong to get a 2nd place spot and allowing him to be one of the five riders in the back row for the final. LaVallee had nothing but enduring determination in this Pro Open Final, and with a great start, Levi found himself in the 6th place spot. He worked his way through a couple riders and battled on the last lap of the 20 lap final to take Cory Davis’ 3rd place, but there wasn’t enough time and finished in a terrific 4th place. The crowd went crazy and a smile couldn’t leave Levi’s face.

Semi-Pro Super Stock #1. Semi Pro Rider, Chris Kafka had an exceptional day of qualifying, with 1st and 6th place finishes in his qualifying rounds, allowing Kafka to go straight into his Final. With a tough start, Kafka found himself towards the back, but kept a great momentum and worked his way into the 9th position.
Semi-Pro Super Stock #2. Kafka kept a solid attitude for the 2nd day of the races, and took a 6th and 6th in his qualifying rounds. Kafka was set for the LCQ before he could make it into the final. With 10 eager riders wanting to take the top 5 spots, Kafka had a difficult start and missed his spot for the final by 2 positions.
Team LaVallee is looking forward to crossing the border for the next stop on the ACSS Tour and is ready to bring high-energy for the Sarnia, Ontario National.
Coming Up Events • LaVallee is featured on Good Morning America (Time TBA) • February 19-21, 2010 Quick Draw Canadian Nationals ,Hiawatha Horsepark – Sarnia, Ontario Canada • March 6-7, 2010 Hayward PowerSports/Polaris Hayward 300, LCO Casino, Hayward, WI